
Rozdiel medzi tryptamínmi vs lysergamidmi!

Rozdiel medzi tryptamínmi a lysergamidmi Tryptamíny a lysergamidy sú obe triedy chemických zlúčenín, ktoré majú psychedelické účinky. Tryptamíny sú typom organickej zlúčeniny založenej na molekule tryptamínu, ktorá pochádza z aminokyseliny tryptofánu. Lysergamidy sú triedou chemických zlúčenín odvodených od kyseliny lysergovej, prirodzene sa vyskytujúcej látky nachádzajúcej sa v určitých hubách. Tryptamíny aj lysergamidy môžu spôsobiť psychedelické …

Rozdiel medzi tryptamínmi vs lysergamidmi! Čítajte viac »

Bol Santa Clausa huba?

Každý miluje toto ročné obdobie, pretože to znamená odpočívať, jesť jedlo, piť chlast a byť s tými, ktorých milujete. December je najslávnostnejším a najtradičnejším obdobím roka v mnohých kultúrach. Ale odkiaľ pochádzajú tieto tradície? Ako vznikli? V tomto článku sa pozriem na príbeh muža, ktorý sa bežne nazýva Santa Clausa, a na pôvod jeho príbehu. …

Bol Santa Clausa huba? Čítajte viac »

Birth and Rebirth; What is LSD Made From?

LSD is a synthetic psychedelic, quite possibly the most popular one that has ever been designed. LSD singlehandedly led to the counterculture revolution of the 1960s and, despite being illegal, has remained influential throughout the world ever since. LSD in its original form is derived from a fungus called ergot. Ergot is a rare fungus …

Birth and Rebirth; What is LSD Made From? Čítajte viac »

The Rise & Fall of Mcat, Europe’s Most Beloved Cathinone

Mephedrone, also known as Mkat, M-cat, 4-methylmethcathinone, and about a billion other things, remains a very popular psychoactive stimulant. Though it’s not as popular as it once was, largely due to legal limitations, Mcat is one of Europe’s most popular party stimulants. In fact, a decade ago at the peak of 2010, Mcat was the …

The Rise & Fall of Mcat, Europe’s Most Beloved Cathinone Čítajte viac »

Mysterious Tryptamines That No One Is Talking About

Tryptamines are one of the most popular and prominent classes of psychedelics. Tryptamines include compounds like DMT, psilocybin, and all of the substituted tryptamines such as 4-ACO-DMT. Even lysergamides (like LSD) are considered ‘complex tryptamines,’ so when you really think about the sheer number of tryptamines it can seem overwhelming. Furthermore, most of the tryptamines …

Mysterious Tryptamines That No One Is Talking About Čítajte viac »

Groundbreaking Research about Taking Magic Mushrooms

  Ask people what they think people who are on psychedelics act like…and more often than not, they’ll describe news stories they’ve seen or read–stories that include how people on bath salts or PCP (angel dust) commit irrational and sometimes violent acts.   They are also the ultimate clickbait stories and lead to a lot …

Groundbreaking Research about Taking Magic Mushrooms Čítajte viac »

5-MeO-DMT: Effects, History and Differences from DMT

  “You sure have to kiss a lot of toads before Prince Charming comes along.” Compare that childhood adage to the very first experimenters who got up close and personal with the Colorado River toad by either kissing or licking one of them.  Whoever got the hoppers mad enough that first time most likely found …

5-MeO-DMT: Effects, History and Differences from DMT Čítajte viac »

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