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1P-LSD blottery

(123 customer reviews)


Ponorte sa do podmanivého výskumu našich blotterov 1P-LSD, najpredávanejšieho tajomstva vo svete výskumných chemikálií. Tieto lysergamidové blottery, dostupné v klasickom 1P-LSD 100ug, robia dosť rozstrek. Potrebujete presnosť vo svojom výskume? Naše mikroblotre sú vzdialené len jedno kliknutie.

First you must choose option and form.


Objavte veľkolepý svet 1P-LSD lysergamidových blotterov!

Vstúpte priamo a zoznámte sa s našimi hviezdnymi 1P-LSD Blotters! Odhaľte zázraky dietylamidu kyseliny 1-propionyl-lysergovej – jazykolamu, vieme, ale vzrušenie z objavovania je súčasťou balenia. Toto nie je váš typický lysergamid – je to symfónia polosyntetických zázrakov, slávneho súrodenca LSD a ALD-52.

Pôvodný dátum syntézy 1P-LSD je nevypovedaný príbeh. Kúpal sa v tajomstve a vyhýbal sa dokumentácii vo vedeckých análoch. Popularita, však? Jedinečne sa 1p-lsd lysergamidovým blotterom podarilo prekĺznuť vedeckou literatúrou. Rozprávate sa o RC komunite? Oh, je to vrchol rebríčkov! Je to miláčik výskumníkov, ktorí sa často dostávajú na titulky vo svete najviac preskúmaných lysergamidov.


Zažite vysoko kvalitné blottery 1P-LSD!

Vstúpte do sveta našich najpredávanejších blotterov 1P-LSD lysergamidov, z ktorých každý je dávkovaný silným 100ug. Ale počkajte, máme viac! Pre tých, ktorí hľadajú jemnejší výskum, ponúkame tiež mikro blottery 1P-LSD (20ug).

Keď si kúpite blottery 1P-LSD od svojho obľúbeného predajcu (to sme my!), nezabudnite nosiť laboratórny plášť a rukavice, pretože bezpečnosť v laboratóriu nie je vtip! Uistite sa, že váš priestor je chladný ako uhorka a suchý ako púšť pre optimálnu trvanlivosť. A pamätajte, – čistota je vedľa zbožnosti. Takže udržujte tieto povrchy bez poškvrny, keď manipulujete s našimi blottermi.


Preskúmajte možnosti – nielen pľuzgiere!


Zatiaľ čo naše blottery 1P-LSD sú obľúbené medzi fanúšikmi, chápeme, že niektorí z vás môžu uprednostňovať alternatívne metódy. Nebojte sa – máme vás pokryté rôznymi formami, ako sú
1P-LSD a
kvapalina 1P-LSD
. To je pravda – teraz si môžete kúpiť 1P-LSD blotters online v rôznych formách!


Predstavujeme 1P-LSD: Váš lysergamid s trochou vzrušenia

Premýšľali ste niekedy o zákulisných hrdinoch sveta lysergamidu? Dovoľte nám, aby sme vám predstavili 1P-LSD, tiež známy pod formálnejším názvom dietylamid kyseliny 1-propionyl-lysergovej. Ako hrdý člen triedy lysergamidu je to miláčik chemika, ktorý vznikol tancom medzi dietylamidom kyseliny lysergovej a ALD-52. Celkom rodokmeň, nepovedali by ste?
Rovnako ako jeho bratranec ALD-52, tento energický malý chem športuje propionylovú skupinu visiacu na dusíku indolovej skupiny dietylamidu kyseliny lysergovej.

Jediný rozdiel? ALD-52 namiesto toho rozkýva acetylovú skupinu. Sú ako dve strany tej istej groovy mince!
1P-LSD debutoval na online výskumnej chemickej scéne v roku 2015. Tajomstvo jeho prvého syntetizátora zostáva, ale vieme, že odvtedy kradne pozornosť – objavuje sa v akademických kruhoch a robí vlny na trhu s výskumnými chemikáliami. Nie je život trochu vzrušujúcejší so štipkou tajomstva?

Takže, tu to máte – príbeh našich najpredávanejších 1P-LSD blotterov. Sú skrytým klenotom chémie, zabalené v úhľadnom malom balení a pripravené pre vaše výskumné potreby. Len si pamätajte, že tieto blottery sú určené na výskum. Zostaňte zvedaví, zostaňte v bezpečí!


Hľadáte 1P-LSD? Nehľadajte ďalej!

Túžite preskúmať terén 1P-LSD? Ste na správnej stanici! RealChems je vaše komplexné kontaktné miesto pre najlepšie 1P-LSD blottery. Aj v ponuke sú naše mikroblotre 1P-LSD (20ug), ktoré vás určite pošteklia.

Tým však párty nekončí! Príležitostne zavádzame iné formuláre, takže nás postrčte a skontrolujte, čo sa varí v našom laboratóriu! Pamätajte však, že na výskum lysergamidov musíte mať najmenej 18 rokov.

More information


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We ship Monday to Friday, same day dispatch if ordered and payment is received before 12.30 pm Central European Time. Your products are shipped from our central warehouse in The Netherlands.


Our products are shipped in a strong and regular looking envelope. There are no references to chemicals or Realchems on the outer packaging at all. It looks like any other enveloppe. In the outer envelope you will find a sealed Mylar foil bags to protect the research chemicals until use.


As a customer please check the legality of this chemical in your country before ordering. We are not responsible for any kind of consequences that are a result of purchasing one of our chemical research products.


Most of our products are available wholesale. Please contact us for more information.We endeavor to answer Wholesale inquiries within 24hr hours (Mon-Fri).

Reviews (123)

123 reviews for 1P-LSD blottery

  1. Angličtina


    Blotters acted effectively in the lab. Customer service were helpful, arrived next day and they even included a sample of 2/3-FEA. overall a very smooth purchase!
    Thankyou Real Chems!

  2. Angličtina


    I like it

  3. Angličtina


    Good stealth, everything as it should be. Easy process altogether and a good product.

  4. Angličtina


    I ordered some 1P-LSD from your shop and I have to say it’s really good stuff. I tested 250 µg The blotters didn’t seem to be underdosed. All in all it was an amazing experience.

    10/10 would buy again

  5. Angličtina


    fast delivery, great potency and really everything as it describes in the item describtion, shipping took just over a day to reach me overseas in Europe. just cant seem to stop researching this high quality chemical

  6. Angličtina


    Very fast shipping, quality on point, low prices, friendly customer service. Recommend to everyone, best supplier in Europe.

  7. Angličtina


    Couldn’t notice any difference to the ‚originial‘. Excelent customer service and great quality.

  8. Angličtina


    This molecule is absolutely amazing. Great for research.
    Thanks Real Chems!

  9. Angličtina


    Just wanted to say thanks, the product arrived very fast and it had great potency. Thanks Realchems.
    Very professional, you guys are doing great work, 10/10 would buy again

  10. Angličtina


    Ordered on wednesday it arrived to thursday! Very good quality and research is grear! Thank you guys for also including free 5 20ug blotters, hope to see them availible at store! 10/10

  11. Angličtina


    this is one of the purest experiments I had:)thank you

  12. Angličtina


    I can’t complain about the 1P-LSD that is being sold here. It has very good quality, and doesn’t seem to be underdosed, or anything of the sort. I’m satisfied with this substance. But dissappiinted with the 4-ho-mipt

  13. Angličtina


    Great product. Ordered 2 times already and the shipping took only 3 days each 🙂

  14. Angličtina


    Qualitativ sind die Pappen sehr gut . Sie tun eben was sie sollen .

  15. Angličtina


    This is exactly as I would have expected. In the lab we couldn’t find any difference in the effects of this compound to it’s parent compound LSD-25. The blotters are also very evenly dosed which makes for predictable research results regarding the potency of the blotters.
    I can recommend making a solution with distilled water with a strength of 20ug/mL if you a are interested in the microdosing aspect of lysergamides and want to minimize the uncertainty of dosage that comes with cutting the blotters.
    Shipping was fast and professional.

  16. Angličtina


    Ordered six times already and was always pleased with the product.
    Way to go guys!

  17. Angličtina


    Fast shipping, wonderful product.
    Thank you RealChems!

  18. Angličtina


    Fast shipping and great research potency. Ordered twice, both packages arrived with no issues.

  19. Angličtina


    Haute qualité, prix bas, livraison rapide… 10/10 !

  20. Angličtina


    Snail mail, one week into Europe.
    Thank you

  21. Angličtina


    This company is legit. They are professional in all aspect and the purity and quality of the substance is high.

  22. Angličtina


    here 1 2 3, this is a true comment
    already bougth multiple times and everytime great and fast shipping. products are indeed good

  23. Angličtina


    Package has arrived with no issues. Although research has not been conducted yet, look forward to more orders in the future. Thanks!

  24. Angličtina


    delivered to slovakia in 4 business days. great research potency haha

  25. Angličtina

    Kurt Godel

    Preliminary results very enlightening – further research required

  26. Angličtina


    Shipping was only 1 week to eu and was very high quality!

  27. Angličtina


    Shipping was only 1 week to eu and was very high quality!

  28. Angličtina


    Shipping was only 1 week to eu and was very high quality!

  29. Angličtina


    fast and good customer support.
    1plsd good for research purposes.

  30. Angličtina


    Excellent service : livraison rapide et propre, produits parfaits / fast and neat shipping, perfect products.

  31. Angličtina


    Does exactly what it’s meant to do. Excellent quality and precise.

  32. Angličtina

    A bot lol

    Do these guys ship to USA??

  33. Angličtina


    Algún envío hacia mexico?

  34. Angličtina

    Anonymous Canadian

    This was my first time ordering 1P-LSD online and I was pleasantly surprised by how good this site was. I ordered 10 100mcg blotters and paid via BTC. Sent them an email right away after ordering to confirm it was on its way, and later on in the day they emailed me back saying they shipped it, even though I slightly underpaid them. Recieved the blotters very quickly, only about 3 days later (I ussed the most expensive shipping option with tracking) even though I live in canada, and they ship from the netherlands. The package it came in, was a discreet brown envelope with plastic bubblewrap padding inside, and the product itself was inside a small zip lock platic baggie, that itself was inside a sealed reflective/metalic plastic pouch. The 1P-LSD itself was of a good quality and testing with it went well :P. Overall, I would deffinetly recommend this site and product to anyone, esspecially if youre located in europe.

    TL:DR great quality product, quick shipping, fantastic customer service, good discreet packaging. Would highly recomend!

  35. Angličtina


    hope to conduct research soon

  36. Angličtina


    Super amazing potent and fast service got to North America in a little over 14 days

  37. Angličtina


    Professional packaging and good potency. Indistinguishable from the original

    Delivered to SE Asia within 2 weeks

  38. Angličtina


    Ordered airmail, arrived no problem. This shit hitting hard as hell damn. Wondering when acid tolerance resets

  39. Angličtina


    sold these to middle schoolers for 30 a pop made 4000 inna day

  40. Angličtina


    Got 5 taps to east coast of Canada showed up in 14 business days excellent quality and research strength

  41. Angličtina


    Fast delivery, specially during busy Christmas period.
    The product was also of very good quality. It mixed very well with the colouring dyenig and it could be seen sharp under the microscope. It then had a stable formulation, liquefaction and phase separation. Many thanks for contributing to science with such an efficience and reliability. Groeten,

  42. Angličtina



  43. Angličtina


    No problems here.
    Took just eight days.
    Experimented for first time in ten years.
    Just like i remember.
    Get the lab all set up and away you go!

  44. Angličtina


    Best quality, very short delivery time, perfect packing…

  45. Angličtina


    italy, pack received in 7 days. need to experiment

  46. Angličtina


    Excellent quality, fast shipping to Slovakia (4 days)

  47. Angličtina


    I’m impressed by the absolutely wonderful customer service when trying to fix my order. Fast and honest. Absolutely recommend.

  48. Angličtina


    Good effects but don’t mix with stimulants otherwise your next trip direct to hospital

  49. Angličtina


    Very fast shipping, arrived in Italy (by Ups) without any problem. So now i must to do research, thanks so much.

  50. Angličtina


    Fast Shipping to south america and very good quality

  51. Angličtina


    I live it

  52. Angličtina

    Sicilian Explorer

    All perfect from start to finish!

  53. Angličtina


    Have bought 2 days ago and arrived today in Portugal. didnt test it but it looks promising. Best RC shop in the web.

  54. Angličtina


    Fast delivery, good price, amazing effects. Will definetly research again

  55. Angličtina


    thankyou so much arrived within a month using airmail to NA, fantastic testing

  56. Angličtina


    Can vouch it’s real and good. Got mine twice using airmail.

  57. Angličtina


    The pack with 25 blotters arrived in Italy in 5 days. Discrete packaging, very safe.
    Best seller in the net

  58. Angličtina


    Took 3weeks to arrive in Aus
    As good as original

  59. Angličtina


    Grate products and service!

  60. Angličtina


    Lab test was positive very clean and the package got to the canaries.

  61. Angličtina


    It took 17 working days to arrive to a nearby country, but 99% likely due to corona. It was my first time researching 1p, but the dosage accuracy and purity is a million times better than any regular blotters. Will restock soon 😀

  62. Angličtina


    Hands down the best LSD on the market, potent as f*ck, cheers

  63. Angličtina


    Interesting just seeing if comments work

  64. Angličtina


    Package was discrete and arrived quickly. Research yielded strong.
    Very satisfied!!

  65. Angličtina



  66. Angličtina



  67. Angličtina



  68. Angličtina



  69. Angličtina


    Me aburro

  70. Angličtina


    shipping was superfast, 2 days within eu. it was a pretty positive and great experience especially with some pink floyd (dsotm) playing in the background… 🙂

  71. Angličtina


    Delivery to france in 4 days and amazing quality 10/10

  72. Angličtina


    Great research Chem.

  73. Angličtina

    Luca (real person)

    It does it’s job and the site is safe in my opinion

  74. Angličtina


    Can’t wait to get my hands on this

  75. Angličtina


    There’s no reason to change for another! Keep it up!

  76. Angličtina


    Excellent quality and very professional service!!!
    I have a lot of reasons to feel safe to buy what I need here for a long long time !!

  77. Angličtina



  78. Angličtina


    Qualité au top envoie rapide rien à dire le meilleur site pour moi vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermer !!!

  79. Angličtina

    Albert H

    Great ,great ,great.
    Most important I have tested it,it’s always 1-P LSD
    Thanks you for safe research.

  80. Angličtina


    The experiment was a success. Shipping is very professional and discreet.

  81. Angličtina


    Why not?

  82. Angličtina


    Payed for the product , custumor service found the payment and shipped the order ASAP ,
    Great product for testing , amazing packaging , great service , and pure product , great qualities … would recommend to any researcher ..
    will order again next week in larger quantities

  83. Angličtina


    Very good quality in my opinion and very fast delivery ti Asia

  84. Angličtina


    I just want to say that these are super good.
    Lizard has done a superb job in doing these.
    I hope they will remain this good.

  85. Angličtina


    arrived in 8 days, good and useful for lab researchs

  86. Angličtina


    Amazing potent and fast service, 10 days…research went great, what a great experience

  87. Angličtina


    decent product

  88. Angličtina


    The package came in ~4 days ( south of France )
    It’s a truly powerful product.

    I will buy again soon 🙂

  89. Angličtina


    I received the product after a week. Not sure about the potency of the product

  90. Angličtina


    Pure and potent are the magic words!
    Realchems is the real deal!
    Thank you

  91. Angličtina


    After two weeks, the order arrived in the Canary Islands. Good packaging and quality.

  92. Angličtina


    I am from the south of France and took the cheapest delivery, I received my two blotters well packed in my mailbox only 5 days after sending my order, I am happy with the result!
    I recommend this site to you all my friends.

  93. Angličtina


    It took approximately five days to ship to Spain with the standard shipping, which was a really nice surprise. The product was professionally packaged, and its quality surpassed my expectations. The blotters are evenly dosed, which is just what you’re looking for when doing research. Great experience overall, will definitely repeat!

  94. Angličtina


    very good product

  95. Angličtina


    to slovakia no problem with dhl , packaging very good, we tried 100ug and had perfect experience, would recommend.

  96. Angličtina

    T 800

    Order came in only 5 days untracked. Just ordered another batch. Top quality research was done in my lab.

  97. Angličtina


    Researchers from Hindustan (I*dia) can order without hesitation! Received mine roughly 20 days after ordering (paid extra for post.nl tracking mind you) and most of delay happened at the customs here. Thanks a lot RealChems team! Great packaging and customer service. You have gotten yourself a loyal customer 😀

  98. Angličtina


    Very Professional and fast service !!! thank you !

  99. Angličtina


    Potent, pure and fast delivery to France (5 days).

  100. Angličtina


    had some deez sent to aus, grouse results i must say, just made a second order, cheers cobs

  101. Angličtina


    Good quality, basic compound. Good communication with staff, delivery is quick for the distance. Thanks guys

  102. Angličtina


    5 stars. Fast shipping and blotters are so potent.

  103. Angličtina


    Ordered from Canada so far twice, both times amazing, first time untracked came after about 30 business days, was a little worried but opened the mail one day and bam! Happiness! Second time ordered a lot more, Tracked, came faster, although the tracking… half worked? It stopped tracking after it entered Canada but came really fast like 23 business days. Great Stuff!

  104. Angličtina


    No words to describe this beautiful shop. Bravo. Everything is the top

  105. Angličtina


    Research with chemist friends was conducted successfully. Those are some potent samples, I think you’ll be quite satisfied with their effects! Shipping in Europe was pretty quick as well, the package came in the same week as ordered via a third party delivery service, so no public mail that slacks off constantly. Cheers!

  106. Angličtina


    Calidad buenisima y una atención al cliente muy seria .siempre resolviendo todas las preguntas.
    Espero que pronto se pueda volver a pagar con tarjeta .

  107. Angličtina



  108. Angličtina


    Good product

  109. Angličtina


    Just came in 3 days to Italy. Top quality

  110. Angličtina


    Delivery to Poland in 4 working days.
    By accident i ordered 1P-LSD instead 1CP-LSD for my r**s.

  111. Angličtina


    I’m from Portugal and the order arrived in perfect conditions, super discreet.
    Top customer support!
    We’ve tried it multiple times and the experiences are out of this world.
    I’m sure I’ll buy again from RealChems!

  112. Angličtina


    It took 10 days with tracked shipping to czech republic, discreet packaging, quality product

  113. Angličtina


    Came in 6Days in France, Tracked with DHL. Perfect for my lab test. I’ll test them soon, great package otherwise.

  114. Angličtina


    Came in 6DD in Fr, tested with reagent test kit and ok. My testing subject seem’s to be receptive to this compound! 🙂

  115. Angličtina


    Touch down after exactly 3 weeks. I found the product to be very potent. Moreover, excellent customer service and discreet packaging. Would definitely recommend.

  116. Angličtina


    Just great for all research puroses, and price is so affordable. Highly recommend

  117. Angličtina


    Got 5 tabs, received in 1 week untracked to Spain, everything was fine, no problems.
    Already ordered 25 more tabs!

  118. Angličtina


    Uno de los productos estrella de la pagina

  119. Angličtina


    the best quality you will find on LSD

  120. Angličtina


    The shipment took 20 days but it was worth it. Totally safe and professional

  121. Angličtina


    My friend gave me those to try and said its only 100ug so its light. Oh boyy. I am gonna order some more, this stuff is potent as hell. But please be careful guys and dont use two tabs at first time researching when you try it, it was overwhelming.

  122. Angličtina


    5 stars packaging and product handling.
    The product is good, and testings tend to say there is a 30-40 minutes delay on the chemicals to start doing effect.
    I’m coming back to get some more for further testing.

  123. Angličtina


    The best t**p ewer!!!

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