
Does Psilocybin & Other Psychedelics Increase the Production of New Brain Cells?

Psilocybin is a substance that puts the “magic” in magic mushrooms, and recreational users have known about this quality for quite some time. However, with new studies suggesting it and other psychedelics can increase the production of new brain cells, it means that it may be high time to switch out the word magic for …

Does Psilocybin & Other Psychedelics Increase the Production of New Brain Cells? Čítajte viac »

Treating Mental Disorders with Psychedelics

Millions of people all around the world suffer from mental health issues every single day. These mental health issues, or mental disorders, can range from Depression, PTSD, and anxiety just to name a few popular ones. Globally, around 800,000 people die each year from committing suicide. It is no secret that those who end their …

Treating Mental Disorders with Psychedelics Čítajte viac »

15 actionable and science-backed ways to increase dopamine naturally (that you can do today)

So you’re unmotivated. You’re unproductive.   You have mood swings and difficulty taming your inner cookie monster.   And you’re sick of it.   You’re sick of not getting anything done and being an ass to others.   You’re sick of not being able to enjoy life more.   It ends here, and I’m going …

15 actionable and science-backed ways to increase dopamine naturally (that you can do today) Čítajte viac »

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