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In this country, all drugs are decriminalized!

While drugs have brought countless individuals eye-opening experiences that have left a positive impact, there are many issues revolving around drugs and, more specifically, drug laws. Unfortunately, many laws prohibiting street drugs only amplify the problem. Simply making drugs illegal does not stop individuals from using substances. On the contrary, creating a taboo around drugs …

In this country, all drugs are decriminalized! Čítajte viac »

World’s First Brain Scan on LSD

First discovered in 1943, LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) was popularized by Woodstock-era hippies. Even the CIA explored its potential as a „mind control“ substance. But the consciousnesses revolution LSD sparked panicked the establishment. In the 1960s, authorities shut the doors of perception and closed them off to researchers for over 50 years. Then, in 2016, …

World’s First Brain Scan on LSD Čítajte viac »

The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide: Expert tips for growing mushrooms at home

The first time I grew shrooms was in 1996. I amanged to get a lovely person from the US to send me a sporeprint for microscopic analysis of the spores. Some of these spores needed to be germinated on petri plates (to help me learn about spores) and then transferred to rice media and then …

The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide: Expert tips for growing mushrooms at home Čítajte viac »

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